Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Delhi haat – A vibrant destination to visit

As times have passed by, I have  cultivated a new habit of wandering and watching colours and appreciating beauty (I know the different kinds of beauty, that exists in the world, but I restrain myself to inanimate natural as well as the artificial beauty).

During one of wanderings, I had an opportunity to take my mother out to Delhi Haat and show her the lively place and in the process delve myself into the amazing world of different shades prevalent at this place. As I meandered, through the different set up shops of the ever crowded Delhi haat, I had a few thoughts that flashed through my mind and so this piece of literature originated in my cerebrum.

Life is full of colours and you need to see through it  to feel the bliss – As I browsed through the stalls and the shops, what made me contented was the vivacious colors displayed through the different items, some hanging inside the shops, some outside. The colors inside the shop would attract you to peep in and soothe your eyes; while the ones outside ones would urge you to see through them, and realize that life is colorful across all the ends with some shades of grey occasionally, testing your patience and optimism. 

A foreigner trying to bargain a good deal
Is it a Noah’s Ark on earth? – As you walk across these distinct shops inside the periphery of the “haat” you will sense that there multifarious audience walking past you. They come in different shapes, shades and colors, some haggling, cheerful, a few of them complaining and cursing the humid weather. The place would urge you to ruminate, that whether the haat is a place, where the different human species on the earth have been encapsulated at one place. It would be as if it’s a Noah’s Ark stationed right at the heart of Delhi.

Open your heart and mind – It is imperative, that during the course of your visit you keep your heart and mind open. The mind would enable you to peep in through the different layers existing in the society, and their reaction, as well as response to their needs. You will learn how individual diligently bargain to the astronomical figures quoted by the shop keepers for their products and how others make a vulgar display of their wealth. Your heart on the other hand, would sense the colors and would compel you to appreciate the beauty around and encourage you to spread the optimism as you walk past the shops.

Match your thought with the colour
Colors to match your thoughts – Even amongst the colorful and the bright atmosphere spread across the haat, there would be some colors which would impact you to a great extent, some colors would be soothing, some would be spirited, some would be enraging and some would be off course dull. Each colour could be a metaphor for the life that you are living, the spirited colour would make you feel rubicund, and the dull would sap your cheerful thoughts, the mystique's ones would urge you to think about questions, which have gone unanswered during the soliloquy that you carry out with yourself many a times. 

 Hangout and feel the difference – It’s a cool place to hangout especially if you are wandering aficionado and one who appreciates the dynamism and vivacity preserved in the in animate objects created by humankind. Go there with an open mind and an open heart, who knows you might feel as if you are in a Noah’s Ark as I felt during the course of my visit.